The seminar will focus on health aspects of cheese with a special attention paid to Northern European cheese varieties. Four main sessions will be held, each introduced by a major review paper. Poster presentations allowing direct communication with the authors will complement the oral programme.
Keynote speakers:
1. Session: Probiotic microorganisms in cheese
Key note speaker: Vesa Joutsjoki, MTT, Finland
2. Session: Bioactive compounds in cheese
Key note speaker from Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux
Research Station (ALP), Switzerland
3. Session: Reduced component cheese (low-fat and low-salt)
Key note speakers:
– Paul McSweeney, University College Cork, Ireland
– Siv Skeie, Norwegian University of Life Sciences and
& Ylva Ardö, University of Copenhagen
4. Session: Too low fat cheese for health?
Key note speaker: Tine Tholstrup, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Oral & Poster presentations
Participants are encouraged to submit their recent research results for an oral or a poster presentation. Please submit an extended abstract (1-2 pages) of your oral or poster presentation before 30.06.2009 according to the guidelines given at www.umb.no/nordost/symposium Posters should have the maximum size of 90 x 120 cm
The seminar will be held in Drøbak (Norway) at the Oscarsborg Hotel & Spa.
Formal registration with subm. of abstracts: 30.06.2009
Final registration without pres. normal fee: 10.08.2009
Final registration without pres. higher fee: 18.09.2009
Final registration without pres. normal fee: 10.08.2009
Final registration without pres. higher fee: 18.09.2009
Seminar: 6-8.10.2009
Pre-registration and information:
siv.skeie@umb.no Phone +47 6496 5844
Pre-registration and information:
siv.skeie@umb.no Phone +47 6496 5844